Welcome to 2016! Call us nostalgic, but here at Richmond's Air we've been taking a look back at our blog posts from 2015. We covered a lot of ground on some important issues for our Metro-Houston community. Check out our 2015 blog post highlights: Houston Weather 2015 was full of some interesting … [Read more...]
Houston Holiday Warmth: Community Events
During the holiday season, family and friends will gather in homes all across Houston to celebrate Christmas and the New Year's arrival. Here at Richmonds Air, we want to make sure your home comfort systems are working properly to keep your loved ones warm during the holidays, but we also know that … [Read more...]
3 Tips for Saving Energy This Holiday Season
Christmas may be the most wonderful time of the year, but it can also be the most expensive. While the money spent to make the holidays special for your family and friends is worth every cent, there are a few ways to have the same magical holiday...without emptying your wallet. Here are three quick … [Read more...]
Preparing For Flash Floods in Houston
Houston's forecast for this weekend holds a flash flood warning, and after May's unprecedented flooding, you know to take the warning seriously. Richmonds Air encourages all of our customers to stay safe during flash flooding, so here are a few tips from FEMA to prepare yourself and your home for … [Read more...]
Prepare Your Home Comfort System for Fall
While fall seems to take some extra time to settle into the Houston area, it's finally that time of year! Pumpkins are out, the summer heat has relented, and the weather is starting to cool down at last. As you're pulling your fall sweaters out of the closet, you might also want to start preparing … [Read more...]
The Importance of Properly Sealed Ductwork
If you are sitting there scratching your head wondering why certain rooms in your house or office freeze or burn up during various times of the year, your answer may lie in the ductwork. In an HVAC (Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning) system, ductwork is used to distribute conditioned air … [Read more...]
Find the Best Temperature For Your Home
If you own a home, you understand how difficult it can be to find the perfect temperature for everyone. Temperature wars between the members of your household can lead to serious thermostat woes, but hopefully these few tips will be able to help settle the family temperature disputes once and for … [Read more...]
Local Texas Family Gives Disabled Ukrainian Orphan the Gift of Family
Tom and Tami Wetmore of Tyler, Texas, a mid-sized town three hours or so north of Houston, knew from the moment they saw Danica that one day she would be their daughter. For six years, the Ukrainian orphan only lived in the orphanage, and the Wetmore's were the only people who had ever inquired … [Read more...]
Does Your Home Need a Dehumidifier?
An air conditioner is an absolute necessity in the hot and humid Texas summer. Turn on the weather channel these days (or just walk outside) and you'll see that temperatures are soaring. When the heat waves hit, your home is like a cool cave that protects you from the clammy conditions. When the … [Read more...]
My AC Unit is Frozen… In the Middle of the Summer!
It sounds impossible, right? It’s hot outside, the Texas sun is blazing, your whole family is in shorts…but your AC unit is covered in ice. Believe it or not, it can happen! Not surprisingly, it is abnormal for your AC to freeze in the summer and it’s typically a strong indication that something is … [Read more...]